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HomeBuild GuidesCorne Cherry V3

Corne Cherry V3

⚠️ This page is still a work in progress ⚠️

The pin normally assigned to RGB data on the original Corne Cherry V3 is used for the 5th pin of nice!view by default. To add native nice!view support to the PCB, this pin was disconnected from the chain of RGB modules and connected to the nice!view socket in revision V3.3 (and later).

Starting with revision V3.4, there are two solder jumpers on the back of the PCB within the controller footprint that allow changing the RGB pin configuration:

  1. “nice!view/RGB” – adding a solder bridge will connect the nice!view pin back to the RGB module chain. Normally you would cut the existing connection in the solder jumper using a utility knife at the same time to disconnect the pin from the nice!view, but it’s not required because you can’t really use the nice!view at the same time in this configuration
  2. “data/RGB” – this allows the pin normally used for the serial communication between the halves via the TRRS cable (in QMK; not implemented in ZMK yet) to be re-connected to the RGB chain (by adding a solder bridge). Again, the existing connection in the solder jumper doesn’t really need to be cut (to disconnect the pin from the TRRS socket), unless you want to use the TRRS cable to power the right half, which is not recommended anyway
👉 Happy new year! 🎉 Apologies for delays due to order backlog. 👈
🟠 Reopening on Wed 10 May. Thanks for your patience! 🟠