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Cantor Pro LP 40% Low-profile Hotswap Split Ergo Kit


40% Hotswap Diodeless Low-profile Split Keyboard Kit using the Frood controller

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  • Build type *

  • Case Colour *

  • Bottom Case Colour *

    Custom colour for the 3 mm mid-layer and 3 mm bottom plate

  • Add-ons *

    Frood RP2040 Pro Micro Controller


    Powerful and affordable RP2040-based Pro Micro drop-in replacement



    Frood RP2040 Pro Micro Controller

    (2 customer reviews)


    Powerful and affordable RP2040-based Pro Micro drop-in replacement

    Read more…


    Kailh Choc Low-profile Switches (10 pcs) (Sold Out)


    Low-profile switches Sold in packs of 10



    Kailh Choc Low-profile Switches (10 pcs)

    (1 customer review)


    Low-profile switches

    Sold in packs of 10

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    Kailh Choc Sunset Tactile Switches (10 pcs)

    (3 customer reviews)


    First ever truly tactile Kailh Choc low profile switches!

    Sold as pack of 10 switches.

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    Controller Sockets/Pins/Headers – Mill Max Low Profile Sockets + Pins (30) [Frood]


    Pack for one controller ⚠️ Too low to fit batteries ⚠️ Includes 2x 12-pin + 1x5-pin sockets + 30 pins Only required for kits specifically designed for the Frood


    Controller Sockets/Pins/Headers – Mill Max Low Profile Sockets + Pins (30) [Frood]


    Pack: Mill Max Low Profile Sockets + Pins (30) [Frood]

    Read more…


    Controller Sockets/Pins/Headers – Medium Profile Sockets + Pins (30) [Frood]


    Pack for one controller Will fit batteries up to 3 mm thick Includes 2x 12-pin + 1x5-pin sockets + 30 pins Only required for kits specifically designed for the Frood


    Controller Sockets/Pins/Headers – Medium Profile Sockets + Pins (30) [Frood]


    Pack: Medium Profile Sockets + Pins (30) [Frood]

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  • Add-ons *

  • Adds 13x SK6812 (5050) RGB modules

  • Soldering

    Select if you want us to build the kit for you. It will add 3-5 days to the order processing time.
    You need to include at least 2x Frood controller.
    If you want the controllers to be removable, please include 2x Mill Max 315 sockets/3320 pins, but it is not required. The controllers can be soldered directly onto the PCBs using the included standard header pins.

  • Soldering Scope *

  • TRRS socket is not required for wireless builds as the halves communicate via Bluetooth

Product total

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Grand total

SKU: N/A Categories: , Tags: , , , , ,

Cantor Pro LP v3 40% Diodeless Low-profile Hotswap Split Keyboard Kit

Formerly known as Cantor Pro Frood.

Would you like to build a small affordable low-profile keyboard, but don’t enjoy soldering diodes? Well, this might just be the kit for you!

Designed by 42. Keebs around the Frood  controllers instead of the Black Pills, and hotswap sockets. Based on the design by Diego Palacios with help of contributors (GitHub repository). 42. Keebs is sponsoring Diego on Github with a monthly donation of $25.

Firmware can be downloaded from our Firmware page. For flashing guide see the Frood product page.


  • 42-key layout similar to Corne, but with more pronounced stagger
  • Uses Kailh Choc V1 low-profile switches
  • Uses Kailh Choc hotswap sockets
  • Uses our powerful but affordable Frood microcontroller module (based on RP2040)
  • Support for RGB underglow using 6x WS2812B/SK6812 modules per side (new in v3)
  • Improved outline – the controller was moved down to reduce the empty space below it (new in v2)
  • No diodes! There’s enough I/O on the Frood that there’s no need for a matrix (and therefore no need for diodes)
  • Includes acrylic sandwich case for a compact feel and streamlined looks – just 8.8-10 mm thick (switch plate to bottom plate, depending on bottom plate thickness)

⚠️💀 Warning: Never plug/unplug the TRRS cable while the keyboard is powered! It could damage the data pin of the controller. 💀⚠️

Kit contents

  • 2x main PCBs
  • 2x 2 mm acrylic switch plates (clear or smoky grey)
  • 2x acrylic mid plates (2 mm clear or smoky grey, or 3 mm in other colours)
  • 2x 3 mm acrylic bottom plates with brass threaded inserts installed
  • 42x Kailh Choc V1 hotswap sockets
  • 2x TRRS sockets
  • 2x reset switches
  • 8x stainless steel screws
  • 8x adhesive silicone feet

Required parts not included in the kit

Optional parts not included in the kit

  • 2 packs of controller sockets/pins (choose the “Frood” packs when using the Frood) to make the controllers removable. Highly recommended.
Weight 0.26 kg


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